CSAwesome Release vs JuiceMind differentiation

How has CSAwesome achieved so much popularity, given the dozens of other curriculum providers that are available? 

The answer is obvious once you try the course: The inclusive nature of the content, which is both digestible for struggling students and contains exercises that allow for advanced students to thrive.

CSAwesome traditionally has been housed on a web platform called Runestone. However, you can also run CSAwesome on JuiceMind, which features the following primary benefits (Most of which are free):

Benefit #1: Sandbox IDE: (Free)

Within JuiceMind, students and teachers have a code sandbox that allows them to write, test, and run their code.

Benefit #2: Ability to provide student input (Free)

JuiceMind allows students to pass an input into the console:

Within Runestone this is not an option and the platform actually recommends using JuiceMind to complete various exercises:

Suggestion from CSAwesome

Benefit #3: Faster execution of turtle graphics (Free)

Many times on RuneStone, there is a significant delay in the speed of running graphics-related programs. JuiceMind significantly improves its performance:

Suggestion from CSAwesome

Benefit #4: Better control over student assignment scores (Free)

With JuiceMind, you can easily click on a specific student in order to see the student's score and results. Compare the view between the two:

Benefit #5: Ability to customize and add assignments that you want to create. (Paid)

As a teacher, you know your students best. We provide you with a course template that is fully editable!

Benefit #6: Ability to provide comments and feedback to student code. (Paid)

Once you select a specific student, you can provide full comments and feedback on your student’s code.

Benefit #7: Ability to view full student history when they’ve completed an assignment for plagiarism detection (Paid)

When a student completes an assignment, you’re able to see every keystroke that the student has made. Additionally, we do flag plagiarized and “Copy and pasted” responses. DONE

Benefit #8: Integration with JuiceMind quizzes for each unit. (Paid)

One of the biggest advantages of completing CSAwesome on JuiceMind is the ability to use JuiceMind quizzes for each unit directly within the CSAwesome interface!

Benefit #9: Group projects for specific exercises (Paid)

One of the biggest advantages of JuiceMind is the ability to create group projects. We allow for many different assignments to now be completed in groups!

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